With the exception of Quebec, where the Tobacco Control Act expressly prohibits it, most provinces and territories in Canada permit the purchase of cigars online.
“Several Canadian websites offer an excellent selection of Cuban and Dominican cigars. Most of these websites also sell cigars from other countries like Nicaragua, Honduras, and Mexico,” notes Terry Pomerantz, adding:
“As a rule, only citizens residing in a province or territory that allows the online purchase of tobacco products can buy cigars from these websites.”
The online cigar shops in Canada
We suggest a few online cigar buying sites in Canada. Some of these sites also sell all the accessories a cigar aficionado cannot do without: cigar humidors, cutters, torch lighters, portable cigar boxes, etc.
Purchasing cigars online in Alberta
In Alberta, you can buy cigars online from Zigarren, which has a storefront in Calgary. Among the main brands of cigars available for purchase are:
- Cuban cigar brands: Montecristo, Partagas, Romeo y Julieta, and Bolivar.
- Cigars from the Dominican Republic: Davidoff, Arturo Fuente, Ashton, and Vega Fina.
- Nicaraguan brands: Pardon, Casa Magna, Oliva, and My Father.
- Honduran and Mexican cigars, including Rocky Patel, Alec Bradley, Casa Turrent, and Camacho.
Located in Edmonton, Have.A.Cigar offers online purchasing of Montecristo, Guantanamera, Arturo Fuente, Azan Toro, and Alec Bradley cigars.
Buying cigars online in British Columbia
In Victoria, the Cuban Cigar Shop invites aficionados to purchase Bolivar, Cohiba, Fonseca, and Ramon Allone Cuban cigars, as well as brands from diverse origins: Agio (Europe), Casa Magna (Nicaragua), Arturo Fuente and Ashton (Dominican Republic).
Online cigar shops in Ontario
We also mention two online cigar purchasing websites, with physical locations in Oshawa and St. Catherines in Ontario.
On Victory Cigars Inc, Canadians residing in jurisdictions allowing the online purchase of tobacco products can acquire Cuban Cohiba, Diplomaticos, Upmann, and Monterrey cigars. The site also offers renowned Dominican brands such as Davidoff and Arturo Fuente.
The Smoke Master Cigars online shopping site features an extensive selection of Cuban cigars, including lesser-known brands like Qinteros Brevas, Vegueros Mananitas, and Ramon Allones.
Their array of Dominican cigars is equally varied, with brands like Macanudo, Carrillo, Hugo Cassa, and Kristoff.
Canadians can also buy Nicaraguan Quorum, Reposado, Joya de Nicaragua, and La Aroma de Cuba cigars online on this virtual tobacconist shop.
Other Canadian online cigar shops
Cigar Port, an online cigar store, offers Partagas (Cuba), Rocky Patel, and Esteli Club (Nicaragua), as well as Iroquois brand cigars (Six Nations).
Cigarchief is an online cigar sale site based in Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory. It features several prestigious Cuban cigar brands (Montecristo, Partagas, Romeo Y Julieta, Trinidad) and Nicaraguan brands (Brick House, Macanudo, Flor de Las Antillas), and cigars from the Philippines (Calixto Lopez).
Finally, the Steinbach online cigar purchase site lists Patel and Alec Bradley (Honduras) as well as Gurkha (Dominican Republic).
Caution and law compliance
Terry Pomerantz advises caution when purchasing cigars online. “Ensure first that the sale and delivery of cigars online are permitted in your province or territory. Also, check the reputation of the online tobacconist from which you intend to buy your favorite cigars. It is crucial that their cigars have been stored in a humidor that meets the best conservation standards.”
Make a Difference in the lives of special children
“We hear every day about the difficulties faced by special and disadvantaged children. The Pomerantz Foundation supports many organizations that help them in multiple ways.”
Terry continues: “I invite you to contribute with us in aiding all these special children by extending a generous hand. Please, donate to the Pomerantz Foundation. I personally assure you that your contribution, however modest, will help make these special children into extraordinary people!
Furthermore, when you savor your next cigar, it will taste all the better!”
A cigar enthusiast, Terry Pomerantz shares his expert advice on the different brands, types of cigars, and essential accessories to have. Immerse yourself in his recommendations to magnify your experience with each cigar, which you can enjoy in good company, an invitation to take the time to live each moment to the full.