Terry Pomerantz has selected his 10 favorite Dominican cigars for us.
1. Zino Crown Chubby Especial
The terroirs of tobaccos from four nations create a harmonious architectural and gustatory balance in the Crown Chubby Especial. The subtle notes of Dominican, Peruvian, and Connecticut tobaccos combine with the softness of the Peruvian wrapper to keep the palate of the aficionado engaged.
2. Davidoff Aniversario
The Special R Tubos from the Aniversario series feature the finest tobaccos from the Dominican Republic. Their Piloto Seco binder and Ecuadorian wrapper lend a remarkable elegance with notes of roasted nuts, cedar, and pepper.
3. Davidoff Winston Churchill Late Hour
The Late Hour Churchill series pays tribute to the audacious ideas of the legendary British Prime Minister, Sir Winston Churchill. The tobaccos for Winston Churchill Late Hour are sourced from the volcanic lands of Condega and Estelí in Nicaragua. Its wrapper is made of Ecuadorian Habano tobacco. The tasting experience lasts between 60 to 80 minutes, during which the smoker enjoys a smoke punctuated with notes of ancient leather, spices, and aged wood.
4. Opus Series X
It’s no wonder Terry Pomerantz considers cigars produced by Arturo Fuente’s workshops among the best Dominican cigars. All Arturo Fuente cigars are made from tobaccos grown on the soils of Chateau de la Fuente. Each Opus X wrapper has been carefully aged and fermented. Opus X offers a robust, balanced, and dark finish. The Opus X series includes 4 versions: Opus X 20th Anniversary, Opus Forbidden X, Opus X Angel’s Share, and Opus X Oro Oscuro.
5. Gurkha Cellar Reserve 15 years Prisoner
Handcrafted to perfection, Gurkha cigars are synonymous with luxury and opulence. The Gurkha Cellar Reserve 15 Years Prisoner features an Olor binder and a 1998 Criollo wrapper. The construction of this cigar ensures even burning and a flavor palette of chocolate, pepper, and earth notes.
6. Flor Dominicana
Flor Dominicana cigars were created in 1995 by Litto and Ines Gomez. Made with high-quality tobaccos grown at La Canela farm, their Ligero cigars feature an Ecuadorian Sumatra wrapper. The extensive range of Flor Dominicana cigars includes Double Ligero Digger, Coronado Corona Gord, and Oscuro Natural.
7. Montecristo
The Montecristo Classic Series are wrapped in a Connecticut wrapper. These Montecristo cigars are mild and creamy with notes of vanilla and coffee.
8. Ashton Symmetry
The Symmetry series from Ashton cigars offers a balanced blend of Dominican and Nicaraguan tobaccos with notes of hazelnut, caramel, and spices.
9. Galera Connecticut
The Galera Connecticut is a mild cigar revealing creamy flavors of nuts and honey. For Terry Pomerantz, “It’s a cigar you can peacefully smoke at any time of the day.” The Galera Connecticut is available in 8 sizes: Chaveta (Robusto), Pilones (Petit Gordo), Corona Cepo, Bonchero No4 Cortador (Torpedo), Pegador (Corona Gorda), El Lector (Toro), and Presidente (Churchill).
10. Aurora Preferidos
Rolled in the oldest cigar factory in the Dominican Republic, the Preferidos are made from a masterful blend of filler tobaccos from Dominican, Brazilian, Nicaraguan, and Cameroon, tied together in a Dominican Corojo wrapper. “These are perfect cigars to accompany the morning espresso,” notes Terry Pomerantz.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What is the most expensive Dominican cigar?
Experts consider the Arturo Fuente Opus X to be the pinnacle of Dominican cigars. The Fuente Fuente Opus X 2020 Sol d’Amor is sold for about $2,875 to $3,000 CAD for a box of 20 units.
What is the Dominican cigar of the year?
Experts often award prestigious prizes to the Arturo Fuente Ops X, Gurka Ghost Gold Shadow, Flor Dominicana, and the Davidoff Winston Churchill.
What should I expect to pay for a cigar in the Dominican Republic?
In the Dominican Republic, good cigars cost between $4 to $10 CAD each. Never buy a cigar from a street vendor. It could be a counterfeit or a cigar whose freshness is questionable.
A cigar enthusiast, Terry Pomerantz shares his expert advice on the different brands, types of cigars, and essential accessories to have. Immerse yourself in his recommendations to magnify your experience with each cigar, which you can enjoy in good company, an invitation to take the time to live each moment to the full.