In Quebec, everyone knows Colt cigars; small cigars that are sweet, flavored and affordable. But what kind of quality can you expect from a Colt cigar? Here is what Terry Pomerantz has to say about it.
History of Colt cigars
The Colts and Old Port inc. cigar company was launched in 1964 by Philip Morris. The Colts brand was later repurchased by a Finnish cigar maker in the mid-1970s.
Colt cigars were initially developed for the Canadian market. Today, we can find Colt cigars in Japan, Australia, West Africa and South Africa.
Colt cigars are divided into three categories: cigars with a mouthpiece, cigars with a filter and regular cigars.
Terry Pomerantz emphasizes that “since 2010, selling aromatic cigarillos under 1.4 g is prohibited in Canada. However, heavier cigarillos are still authorized.”
What are Colt cigars made of?
Small Colt cigars have a size close to that of a cigarette. Most small cigars are made mechanically with tobacco of a lesser quality. Most Colt cigarillos are flavored.
There are 3 ways to make flavored cigars.
- Pulverize the cigar with tobacco syrup, wine, brandy or another flavor extract.
- Place the cigars in aromatic chambers where they are exposed to flavor extracts, which they will then absorb progressively.
- With a syringe, inject flavor directly into each cigar.
What are the differences between different types of Colt cigars
Colt cigars can come with a filter, a plastic mouthpiece or a regular cigar without a cap. The Colt Cavendish, for example, is made from slightly spicy Maduro tobacco, while the Colt Virginia –the smoothest of the Colt family- are made from tobacco from Virginia.
A Colt Alternative
Most renowned cigar brands like Davidoff or Cohiba also make small cigars.
For example, smoke from a Davidoff Half-Cup is smooth and aromatic. This cigarillo is made from top quality Indonesian, Brazilian and Caribbean tobaccos. As for the mini Cohiba, it is similar in flavor and aroma to a Classic Cohiba, like the Montecristo or the Partagas.
These cigarillo are elegant small delicacies. Their tobacco and quality craftsmanship ensure a truly satisfying taste, as much for the cigar initiate as for the cigar aficionado”, comments Terry Pomerantz.
Colt Cigar Price in Canada
Prices can vary according to applicable provincial and federal taxes. A box of 8 Colts Rum & Wine Mild, Colts Whiskey or Colts Red Wine cigars sells for around $ 20.
Where to buy Colt cigars in Quebec and Canada?
In Canada, like in Quebec, you can purchase Colt cigars in most cigar shops and several convenience stores.
Quality: What is the reputation of Colts cigars compared to other cigar brands?
Colts cigars were not made to please those who like to smoke cigars from renowned brands like Davidoff, Romeo y Julietta, Montecristo or Cohiba.
Colts cigars are made for a more youthful clientele who has a rather limited budget, and one who is looking for flavoured cigars rather than the more subtle flavours you will find in tobacco that has been cultivated or aged in Cuba, the Dominican Republic or Central America.
On the other hand, Colts cigars stand out favourably compared to other brands that specialize in flavoured cigars like Backwoods, Principes Corona, Casa Magna or Pillies Blunt.
Flavours: What is the Colts Cigars brand’s reputation compared to other cigar brands?
All of these cigar brands offer different varieties of flavours. When it comes to Colts cigars, they offer the following flavours, among others:
- Colts Rum & Wine mild
- Colts Whisky
- Colts Red Wine
- Colts Old Port and Red wine
The Backwoods brand offers flavours like Honey Berry, Honey, Russian Cream, Honey Bourbon and Vanilla Limited Edition.
When it comes to Principes Corona cigarillos, which are machine made at the Tabacalera La Aurora in the Dominican Republic, their flavour variety ranges from chocolate (Corona Brown) to cherry (Corona Red), and rum (Corona Rum) to vanilla (Corona Blonde).
What are Canadian regulations regarding the commercialization of flavoured cigarillos?
Selling candy or fruit flavoured cigarillos under 1.4 gr is prohibited in Canada. This aspect of the Canadian law regarding tobacco and vaping products aims at limiting tobacco use in young people, who usually tend to greatly appreciate these small, flavoured cigars.
However, selling flavoured cigars over 1.4 gr is still authorized. In Quebec, smokers over 18 years of age can purchase them in most tobacco shops.
Are there any differences between Colts cigars sold in Canada and those that are sold in other countries?
Other than the Canadian market for which Colts cigars were created, Colts are now commercialized in Poland, Czech Republic, Japan, Australia, West Africa and South Africa. Everywhere they are offered, the manufacturing quality of Colts cigar remains constant.
A cigar enthusiast, Terry Pomerantz shares his expert advice on the different brands, types of cigars, and essential accessories to have. Immerse yourself in his recommendations to magnify your experience with each cigar, which you can enjoy in good company, an invitation to take the time to live each moment to the full.